Existing Open Science policies and guidelines in Europe
The Report on Open Science policies and guidelines in Europe maps public policies in place across Europe. The annexed “Country Cards” give an overview on the ‘responsible’ aspects of the national policies.
The ROSiE project´s Report on existing Open Science policies and guidelines in Europe offers an insightful mapping of national policies in all EU member states, and additionally – in the United Kingdom and Norway. The project’s multilingual consortium have been involved in this research by producing the national Country Cards.
The Country Cards provided a clear overview of the current legal and operational framework for OS in Europe. The analysis focused on selected aspects that were determined as characterizing a responsible policy: mention of the FAIR principles, mention of Research ethics and integrity, of citizen science, of infrastructure for OS, language availability and discipline-related perspective(see graph 1). This approach allowed to identify responsible policies, strategies and good practices, as well as to flag existing gaps.
Our main findings revealed a clear and strong support for OS in all selected countries - the majority already have a policy in place and the ones that do not are in a process of developing (see graph 2). The standard-setting role of EU authorities was also highlighted. The second takeaway message is the existence of thorough national characteristics and particularities, which influence the OS strategies in place locally. The legislation and research culture play here a fundamental role.
For further information and details on the report and the other results of the ROSiE project, please consult our website! The Deliverable can be fin at https://rosie-project.eu/deliverables/.